Air filter cleaning method brief introduction

When it comes to filters, we all know that there are many kinds of them. They are generally distinguished according to the use of them. Today, what are the main cleaning methods of air filters? Air filter is clean air, air filter is the need for regular cleaning, let warner Stone xiaobian to introduce us several types of filter cleaning methods, so that the filter adhere to clean.

The first type: the cleaning method of preheating screen preheating screen generally needs to be sorted out 1 to 2 times every month, the need to remove the existing filter screen when sorting out, with a vacuum cleaner or cloth dust cleaning clean neat; If it is indicated that the filter can be washed, it can be cleaned with clean water, and then dried or dried with a hair dryer and then loaded into the air purifier. It can be used normally.

The second type: HEPA filter cleaning method HEPA technology is the same as stainless steel filter, if there is no special specific instructions generally can not be washed. Because the current domestic air pollution is more serious, the air quality is not very good, the longest service life of HEPA filter is generally only 3 months or even less, so THE HEPA filter is often replaced. But through the vacuum cleaner cleaning can also prolong its service life to a certain extent, but if the general white stainless steel wire has tended to black, it means the need to replace, in order to ensure the effect of stainless steel wire and health, please replace in time.

Activated carbon filter cleaning method, activated carbon filter mesh is also often replaced to avoid adsorption saturation, half a year to replace once, also need to regularly remove it, placed in the sun exposure, in order to maintain the purification effect, prolong its service life filter should not be used for too long, and replaced after a period of time. This cycle is usually three months.